
Rob Siltanen

In Chinese medicine, the heart is like an emperor ruling over life’s experiences. If your heart loves your mission to make a difference, there’s truly no stopping you.


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“Paralysis by analysis” in Chinese medicine is often a spleen and liver disharmony rooted in poor digestion and stress. Simply eating better and walking for exercise can help you get motivated and moving.


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Vivian Greene

Trying to control external circumstances only taxes the lung and liver meridians in Chinese medicine, leading to exhaustion and frustration. What we CAN learn to control is our perception and our attitude. Practice seeing everything as a gift or lesson that’s meant to help you.


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T.S. Eliot

Chinese medicine teaches that a balanced liver meridian allows us to move more freely toward our dreams. Having fun each day makes the liver happy – and lets us focus on the reward, not the risk.


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Overthinking and a need to have things figured out come from weak digestion in Chinese medicine. Nourishing yourself properly will help you stay focused on simply the next step forward.


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In Chinese medicine, the Kidney meridian allows fearlessness to rise from wisdom when you nurture yourself. Self-care cultivates courage!


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