Atlantis - and why I obsessively share about it

Hello and welcome!

I’m metaphysical fiction author and acupuncturist Jean Brannon. And I write about Atlantis. Now, many people ask me why I write about a lost cause, a sunken civilization. Why I focus on a legend we all know ends badly, one with no happily ever after. In fact, readers will point out how I claim to be a naturally positive person – a pure Pollyanna. So why would an eternal optimist weave stories based upon a pessimistic tale of death and the ultimate destruction?

Because finding hope in what looks hopeless is important

Besides, what better way to help people through any dark night of the soul than to show them the hope in the most hopeless place imaginable? Because there’s always hope. And help. And often, hope and help are found in the most unexpected places – and faces. Yet, we must look for the hope and not keep staring at the heartbreak. Basically, that’s where I come in. And where my consciously created writing helps uplift, inspire, and empower. 

Hope – and help – often show up in the most unexpected places (and faces!)

So let’s get started, shall we? For starters, welcome to this space, where I wish to take you not only on a deep dive into Atlantis and all its magic. Without a doubt, I’ll present as many personal development tools as I possibly can right here. As a writer and practicing acupuncturist, I do my best to help people become happier and more balanced through sharing ancient wisdom and New Thought concepts like the law of attraction and law of assumption. My sessions have always incorporated a great deal of honest conversation and committed listening. I’ve found it’s incredibly healing to take the time to chat with folks in a safe and relaxed manner. Much in the way you would if you were sitting with a trusted friend on your front porch.

And so I like to think my work, metaphorically speaking anyway, is about sharing front porch time with people. In essence, it’s about helping people feel comfortable in their own skins. Which is why I call on the front porch metaphor so frequently. I wish to empower as many people as possible to shine as brightly as they can. And I hope I can inspire you, too. Please pull up a chair, right here on the porch. And after you sit for a spell, I hope you’ll keep coming back. I hope you’ll become one of our family of Porch Lights, too, by subscribing at the bottom of any page.

For more on my front porch musings, click here.

And if you’d like to check out my new novel Atlantis Splitting, it’s on sale now at all major outlets and many independent booksellers. If you’re new to my work, you may first want to read Atlantis Writhing, Book One in the Highest Light Series, available for sale at Amazon and most anywhere books are sold. But to get a feel for what I’m about, please visit The Latest From Jean for my most recent posts. Or if you’re looking to interview me, please drop Denise Thompson a line ( to schedule something.

Be sure to reach out and say “hi”!

As always, let me encourage you to share your thoughts and feelings with me by getting in touch on The Comments & Questions or any of my social media pages (links appear below the banner with my picture above). Let’s connect!

Interview with Dr. Irina Kyd

Below, I share ancient wisdom and wellness techniques from “Pants Down”, my e-book on the secret healing powers of the lower body chakras. In this chat with Dr. Irena Kyd, I share self-empowering tips and techniques and Chinese medicine insights so you can learn how to stay calm in the midst of chaos, create happy and healthy relationships, and enjoy a turned on, tuned in, and toned up life … naturally!

Read more: Atlantis – and why I obsessessively share about it