Ancient Atlantis comes alive amidst betrayal, back-door-deals, and bedroom alliances

Cell biologist Bruce Lipton famously says that cells can’t be in growth and protection at the same time. And so we can either grow and move forward in life or freeze up in fear. We can either love or judge. But what if if we find ourselves on a deep dive into a can’t-put-it-down tale of ancient Atlantis? Then we must first decide if we’re on the side wielding love and not weaponry. If we are, then we’re aligned with Elysia and will root her on as she strives to save a corrupt and cruel civilization – or else helplessly watch her die trying.

Hope – and help – can be found in the most unexpected places (and faces)

As this romantic fantasy series starts in “Atlantis Writhing”, Elysia and her crewmates are striving to overcome a bewildering betrayal. Their leaders abandoned them in a cold, uncaring new world. And they’re dying quickly, perhaps even before their mission can begin. Throughout these two books, shocking revelations keep pushing Elysia to the brink. Time and time again, she chooses growth over protection, love over judgment. All the while, she demonstrates a deepening empowerment. She grows and moves forward, and loves instead of judges, in spite of harrowing circumstances – and hellish companions. Committed to keeping a positive outlook, Elysia shows us how hope – and help – can be found in the most unexpected places (and faces).

Weaving Taoist philosophy and New Thought concepts like law of attraction and law of assumption into these books, acupuncturist Jean Brannon consciously creates feel-good fiction that uplifts, empowers, and inspires.

Ancient Atlantis fiction author Jean Brannon weaves myth, madness, and many law of attraction ideas into this romantic fantasy series.
  • Ancient Atlantis in Atlantis Writhing (Fate reunites star-crossed lovers just long enough to deal one more cruel karmic blow in Book One of the Highest Light Series)
  • Pants Down (First e-book exploring the lesser-known lower leg chakras)
  • Ancient Atlantis in Atlantis Splitting (Star-crossed soulmates face their darkest night of the soul to save Atlantis and their happily ever after in Book Two of the Highest Light Series)