Let’s Connect

Reach out to metaphysical fiction author Jean Brannon if you’d like to schedule a media event or guest blog. For sure, Jean loves hearing from readers, authors, or anyone looking to connect, so be sure to say “hi” on any of her social media sites listed here (links are below the top banner). And by the way, she really enjoys podcasts and radio show appearances. If you’d like to share some pure positivity, then don’t hesitate to reach out to metaphysical fiction author Jean Brannon as a guest. For sure, you and your audience will feel uplifted and inspired. If you’d like more information, please contact Denise Thompson at Absolute Love Publishing (ambassador@absolutelovepublishing.com). Or if you’d like to get in touch with Jean, please send an email to jean@jeanbrannon.com.

For encouraging words from a pure Pollyanna, reach out to metaphysical fiction author Jean Brannon

Are you a writer or other creative soul looking for some helpful tips? Someone at a crossroads in life and needing reassurance? As a licensed acupuncturist and long-time life coach, Jean’s got a wealth of knowledge, and she’s eager to share it. But most importantly, she understands that each of us truly has our own inner guidance for living our best life. And she realizes that sometimes we all need some support to be able to hear that still, small voice within. The voice that always tells us unquestioningly what lights us up if we dare listen. And the voice we really and truly need to heed in order to feel happy. So if you’re wondering perhaps how Jean might help you see things a bit more from the “glass is half full” perspective, consider this (and then strike up a chat with her on social media if her approach resonates). Remember, she’s spent years as an acupuncturist, and many times people would come for sessions when they were feeling sad or stuck. And she’d usually get them laughing with these lighthearted observations:

  1. Life is ridiculous.
  2. It is what it is.
  3. If you died right now, what would your headstone say? “Had an excellent credit score!” Or maybe “Stuck with a dead-end relationship, but I have no clue why.”
  4. Watch Jim Carrey’s 2014 graduation speech, where he famously reminds us all that we can fail at what we don’t want, so we might as well go for what we love:

Reach out to metaphysical fiction author Jean Brannon for a dose of pure positivity!