
Jim Rohn

Giving up is not an option when you feel passionate about your pursuits.


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Walt Disney

Or, as Nike puts it, “Just Do It”.


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Michael John Bobak

As cellular biologist Bruce Lipton teaches, growth means being open to what is. And protection is shutting down in the face of a threat. Since an organism can’t be open and closed at the same time, we humans can’t grow when fear shuts us down. And so moving forward along our path usually involves taking a step that makes us feel exposed and even vulnerable. Until we can take a moment to see that, from our new vantage point, there really IS no threat lurking. Only then can we feel lit up by our progress!


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And that one thing may be something as simple as asking a cashier how the day is going. Or putting away the phone for a few hours.


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Winston Churchill

Simply showing up every day will get you really far.


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Jim Rohn

Looking at new experiences as adventures can make them feel exciting instead of risky.


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